How do you fix something that isn't broken? Better yet...what if it is broken but you have absolutely no idea what is wrong. Then what do you do? Guys need to come with an instruction manual or something...because sometimes it just gets ridiculous. I could probably smoke about 4 packs of Marlboro lights right about now. Stress at its finest.
My job isn't helping whatsoever either. GODDD DON'T GET ME STARTED!!! TOO LATE! Here I go...This program that I'm working has gone to complete SHIT!! It's unbelievable. It has come to the point where I want to just punch every person that comes near me in the FACE. There is NO organization, they can't pay us on time [which is kicking my ever loving ass in the long run] AND I have to work bullshit hours. Also seeing as I'm a veteran from last year, which by the way was the greatest year ever, the people I used to work WITH, I now have to answer to. POWERR TRIPPPPSSS!!! This one girl I work with cops a mad attitude with me when I work with her...Does she honestly think I won't hit her in the mouth? Cuz i will...we don't have a HR center...i could get away with it.
The man who now runs this years program is about as smart as a f*cking rock. He graduated a year ahead of me...so like seeing him as the MAIN guy running this program, well lets just say, I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN! There will not be a team next year at the rate we are going. I would just like to talk to him and tell him hes a f*cking moron, and should be kicked off this team forever. I hope he blames this program sucking on the people working it, cuz hes the behind the scenes kinda guy while we are out and about. I just want him to say something about us not being on the ball...cuz i will kick him in the balls and then tell him REALLY why this is shiiiit!
Ok im done venting for now...
Peace and LOVE people