What is it about me that just attracts those crazy boys? I mean wtf dude, i get you wanna be in a relationship and wanna hang out, but since im working a full time job, im not gonna be able to spend every waking moment with you.
It's funny how much im realizing lately that being raised around boys totally fucks up the way you act in a relationship. Yes I am a girl, but i absolutely do not think like one whatsoever. I can't fuckin stand drama. And if you think that girls are the only ones that thrive on the 'dramz,':::NEWS FLASH KIDS!::: BOYS ARE JUST AS BAD! True story.
And jealousy? WTF! I dunno what im gonna do honestly. I think i may be doomed forever to a single life. Not like it's a bad thing for now.
I got bigger plans than making you happy right now buddy. I got some unfinished BIZNASS that needs takin' care of. And drying your tears cuz i cant hang out with you 24/7 is not one of them. Sorry i had to let you go so soon, but maybe the other crazy that you left for me will be willing to take you back. I'd bet my life you didn't "lose something real for me."
Much love, well NOT realllyyy...